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Vickie Rochon

Vickie Rochon

About Vickie Rochon

Sea Kayak Guide
You may also see Vickie in the following role(s): Paddle Excursion Guide and French Expedition Guide

Hailing from the suburbs of Montreal, Vickie was a teenager when she moved to the Canadian Maritimes to complete a Diploma in Adventure Tourism which led to obtaining a degree in Outdoor Leadership and Management at Université du Québec in Chicoutimi.

Initially specializing as a sea kayak guide in the whale-rich waters of the St-Lawrence River, Vickie’s passion soon brought her to lead wilderness journeys and daily adventures in remote locales such as Svalbard, the Yukon and the Canadian Arctic. Since 2017, she has had the pleasure to introduce guests to Antarctica.

This acquaintance with the Polar Regions has enticed her to enroll in Circumpolar Studies with UArctic and further satisfy an ever-growing curiosity for the complicated geopolitics of the Arctic.

Vickie entertains a passion for cultures and languages. Her early twenties saw her setting off for Aysén, a Chilean region of northern Patagonia, where she spent nearly a year learning Spanish and sharing everyday life with the few families who populate Puerto Bertrand.

When not guiding in, or talking about, the Polar Regions she can be found back home in Canada experimenting with fermentation recipes, foraging the nearby bookstores and rock climbing or skiing with good friends.